Employers’ Council Shadow Budget calls for $1B in cost savings over 4 years
The NL Employers’ Council released a provincial Shadow Budget on April 13th, developed with research conducted by the Conference Board of Canada. The Conference Board examined spending in NL as compared to other provinces on a per capita or per GDP basis. They also measured the economic impact of tax increases and spending reductions to specific program  [...]
WHY WAIT IN LINE? report on Partnership continues to make headlines
Employer’s Council Executive Director Richard Alexander will speak to the Clarenville Area Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, March 22nd about how partnerships with the private sector can help government deal with the current fiscal storm, improve services to the public, and spur economic growth. The Employer’s Council was on the West Coast this week sharing  [...]
Employers’ Council calls for government partnerships with private sector
The NL Employers’ Council held a press conference yesterday to release findings of a study into the need to increase partnerships with the private and not-for-profit sectors in the delivery of government services and infrastructure. The report, Why Wait in Line? Opportunities to improve government services and infrastructure in NL was written by Memorial University  [...]
NLEC asks Liberal government for strong leadership and fiscal discipline
Finance Minister Cathy Bennett and Premier Dwight Ball released the mid-year fiscal update yesterday, confirming a record breaking deficit of nearly $2 billion. The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC) is encouraging the new government to show strong leadership on this issue. The massive deficit and $12.4 billion in net debt that the province is facing are  [...]
NLEC reacts to Budget 2015
Finance Minister Ross Wiseman brought down the 2015 Budget for Newfoundland & Labrador on April 30th in the House of Assembly. NLEC Executive Director, Richard Alexander reacted strongly in the media to some decisions, in particular to oppose the two percent increase in the provincial portion of the HST. While they may have been overshadowed  [...]
Premier announces public-private partnership on long term care – acknowledges NLECs work on issue
Premier Paul Davis announced today at a press conference that government will add 360 new long term care beds through engagement with public and not-for-profit providers. In his speech, the Premier acknowledged the Employers’ Council’s call for improved outcomes in government program and service delivery, referencing both the organization’s pre-budget submission and recent Conference Board of Canada report. Increased involvement  [...]
Richard Alexander discusses province’s finances on this week’s On Point with David Cochrane
Richard Alexander, NL Employers’ Council Executive Director was one of the guests on this week’s On Point with David Cochrane on CBC. Alexander discussed the province’s current fiscal situation heading into Budget 2015 and the need for the province to cut spending. He also defended against calls to increase taxes. Economist Wade Locke, who has recommended that  [...]
Premier commits to Sovereign Wealth Fund after NLEC lobby
Commitment to the creation of a sovereign wealth fund was one of the NLECs key asks in pre-budget consultations, and one of the recommendations from our Conference Board of Canada Report Achieving Sustainable Prosperity, released last week. Last night at a PC Fundraiser Premier Paul Davis announced a commitment to establishing such a fund, which  [...]
NLEC releases Conference Board of Canada Report Benchmarking NL against Competitors
The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC) released key findings of a Conference Board of Canada study that examines Newfoundland and Labrador’s strengths and weaknesses relative to its closest competitors today at the Sheraton Hotel. The study, Achieving Sustainable Prosperity: Benchmarking the Competitiveness of Newfoundland and Labrador, was commissioned by the NLEC to generate recommendations to improve the  [...]
NLEC asks government for meaningful spending reform and a plan to save for our future
NL Employers’ Council Executive Director Richard Alexander presented to Finance Minister Ross Wiseman Friday, asking him to address the looming deficit by introducing meaningful permanent spending reforms to government program and service delivery. Alexander told Wiseman that the drop in the price of oil “could be the best thing to happen to Newfoundland Labrador.” Now  [...]
NLEC calls on government to think long term about province’s finances
The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC) is imploring the provincial government to change the way they manage our province’s finances. Instead of budgeting at the maximum price of oil as this government has been doing, government must budget spending based on a more modest estimate.  Any resulting surplus should be used to pay down debt and  [...]
Government finally implements public sector pension reform after long lobby by NLEC
After a long lobby by the NLEC, Premier Tom Marshall announced Tuesday, September 2nd, that a deal has been reached between government and unions to reform the majority of public sector pensions in this province. This deal finally establishes a plan to eliminate the massively unfunded public sector pension and post retirement liabilities, projected to  [...]
Myths and realities of public sector pensions
In this weekend’s Telegram, the NLEC debunked myths and state realities concerning public sector pensions in our province in a letter to the editor. Union leaders have taken exception to provincial business associations like the Newfoundland and Labrador Employers’ Council sharing in the discussion about the financial predicament of our public sector pension plans (PSPPs).  [...]
NLEC asks province to tackle debt, decrease spending and reallocate resources to immigration
The NLEC is encouraging the province to tackle debt, reduce spending, create a competitive tax regime and shift resources towards immigration in Budget 2014. View the NLEC’s Position Paper on 2014 Provincial Budget Priorities. Fiscal prudence Last May the NLEC held a CEO Roundtable with member CEOs from some of the largest and most successful employers  [...]
Provincial government initiates review of public sector pensions after multi-year lobby by NLEC
For the last 3-4 years, the NLEC has been lobbying government to reduce our province’s net debt, specifically the $5 Billion in unfunded pension and other post retirement liabilities that make up the largest part of it. Yesterday Premier Kathy Dunderdale announced that government has initiated a review of public sector pensions in consultation with the public sector  [...]
NLEC asks government to reduce spending and restructure pensions at pre-budget consultations
The NLEC has been an advocate for employers during the 2013 pre budget consultations. Executive Director, Richard Alexander stressed the urgency to reduce government spending and restructure the public sector pension plans. Sustainable spending now is extremely important to the future economic success of our province. The NLEC is concerned that without prudent financial management,  [...]
2012 Provincial Budget delivers two out of four NLEC requests
Fails to make tough decisions in two key areas The 2012 Provincial Budget, released Tuesday, delivered on two of the NLEC’s pre-budget requests by reducing government spending to sustainable levels and reviewing government departments for cost savings. The budget failed, however, to make two tough but necessary decisions for our province — how to address our massive  [...]
NLEC asks for review of public sector pensions at pre-budget consultations
NLEC Executive Director Richard Alexander addressed Minister of Finance Tom Marshall Friday as part of government’s pre-budget consultations. Alexander urged government to develop an aggressive and proactive plan for debt reduction that should include evaluation and reform of the current public sector pension plan. In his opening presentation, Marshall told attendees that unfunded pension liabilities  [...]
Finance Minister Tom Marshall tells NLEC he wants to eliminate payroll tax
In a recent letter to NL Employers’ Council Executive Director, Richard Alexander, Finance Minister Tom Marshall expressed, in writing, his desire to eliminate payroll tax over time. The NLEC wrote all MHA’s, including Premier Dunderdale, prior to this year’s provincial budget, asking for fiscal restraint, debt reduction and an elimination of the payroll tax. In  [...]
NLEC gets movement on payroll tax
In yesterday’s provincial budget government announced an increase in the payroll tax threshold by $200,000 – to $1.2 million in payroll, retroactive to January 1, 2011. The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC) has been strongly lobbying government for the elimination of this tax on your behalf, and sees this as an obvious recognition from government that  [...]
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