Mandatory secret ballot vote on union certification reinstated
Competitive Labour Relations LegislationEliminating Card Based Union Certification June 6, 2014 |0
Bill 22, an Act To Amend The Labour Relations Act passed in the House of Assembly yesterday. The Bill proposes to eliminate the card based system of union certification imposed in 2012 and reinstate mandatory secret ballot voting to determine if workers want to be represented by a union in their workplace. All Progressive Conservative
NLEC discusses inaccuracy of card based system of union certification
CEO RoundtableCompetitive Labour Relations LegislationEliminating Card Based Union Certification January 12, 2014 |0
NLEC Executive Director Richard Alexander discussed the inaccuracy of Newfoundland & Labrador’s current card based union certification system with VOCM Openline guest host Tim Powers on Friday. The issue was also raised as part of a Roundtable on Business on VOCM on Thursday, January 9th. The NLEC has been lobbying government to reinstate mandatory secret
NL Government eliminates the democratic right of workers to vote on union certification
Eliminating Card Based Union Certification July 4, 2012 |0
Recent amendments to the Labour Relations Act in Newfoundland & Labrador provide for automatic certification of a union if the application for certification contains evidence that at least 65% of the workers have signed union membership cards. Prior to this amendment, all certification applications were subject to a mandatory secret ballot vote. Removing the secret
NLEC asks government to repeal provision removing secret ballot votes for union certification
Eliminating Card Based Union Certification June 27, 2012 |0
The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC) has asked the provincial government to repeal the proclamation of the provision to remove secret ballot votes for union certification from the Labour Relations Act. This change in our province’s labour legislation as proposed in Bill 37, An Act to Amend the Labour Relations Act, introduced in the House of
NLEC pleased with what is not included in labour legislation amendments, disappointed with what is
Competitive Labour Relations LegislationEliminating Card Based Union Certification June 20, 2012 |0
The Provincial Government introduced amendments to the Labour Relations Actand the Public Service Collective Bargaining Act in the House of Assembly yesterday, resulting from the Voisey’s Bay Industrial Inquiry, the James Oakley Report on the Special Project Order (SPO) provisions, and the recently completed review of the Labour Relations Act conducted by the Employment Relations