Private Members Resolution on Temporary Foreign Workers passed in the House of Assembly
Employment Insurance ReformFederal Government PolicyHuman Capital May 20, 2014 |0
A Private Members Resolution to implement worker recruitment and protection legislation, which would require an employer registration process as well as a licensing requirement for companies/individuals recruiting foreign workers, was passed in the House of Assembly last week. Introduced by Liberal MHA Cathy Bennett, it was supported by all members except the NDP. The NLEC
NLEC asks Atlantic premiers to end resistance to EI reforms
Employment Insurance ReformFederal Government Policy January 17, 2014 |0
The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC) met with the Council of Atlantic Premiers (CAP) advisory panel Thursday in St. John’s to advise the Atlantic premiers to reconsider their opposition to Employment Insurance (EI) reforms implemented by the federal government last year. In 2008-2010, nearly 60% of the workforce in Newfoundland & Labrador received EI benefits at
NLEC asks federal government to continue focus on sustainability and fiscal restraint
Competitive TaxationEmployment Insurance ReformFederal Government PolicyPublic Sector Pension Reform January 15, 2014 |0
NLEC Executive Director Richard Alexander met with the Honourable Rob Moore, Minister responsible for ACOA today in St. John’s to discuss federal budget priorities. Click here to view submission
NLEC supports Jan 6th EI changes designed to remove disincentives to work and connect people to jobs
Employment Insurance ReformFederal Government Policy January 8, 2013 |0
Employers who feel they are competing with the EI system for labour should begin to experience some relief as reforms to the Employment Insurance (EI) system announced last spring took effect Sunday. As of Jan. 6, people drawing EI benefits will be expected to put together career resumes, sign up at job banks, go to
NLEC supports Employment Insurance reform
Employment Insurance ReformFederal Government Policy May 25, 2012 |0
Human Resource Minister Diane Finley outlined details of changes to the Employment Insurance (EI) system in a press conference yesterday. The NLEC has led a strong lobby for changes to the EI system over the last few years, and is pleased to see government taking steps in the right direction with these reforms. The changes, designed
NLEC consults with Federal Government on Labour Market issues
Employment Insurance ReformFederal Government Policy May 3, 2012 |0
The NLEC was among a select group of industry leaders and stakeholders invited to present to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) on local labour market challenges at a roundtable discussion held in St. John’s Monday. The committee has recently
Federal Budget addresses NLEC requests regarding Employment Insurance and pensions
Employment Insurance ReformFederal Government PolicyPublic Sector Pension Reform March 30, 2012 |0
The 2012 Federal Budget, released yesterday, announced changes to the Employment Insurance (EI) program that address concerns of NLEC members. The Government committed to make EI a more efficient program, to remove disincentives to work and quickly connect people to jobs. Among other changes, Government will “introduce legislation to strengthen and clarify what is required
NLEC meets with Member of Parliament Kellie Leitch on Employment Insurance and Pension Reform
Employment Insurance ReformFederal Government PolicyPublic Sector Pension Reform February 2, 2012 |0
NLEC Executive Director, Richard Alexander met with Dr. Kellie Leitch, MP for Simcoe-Grey and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development and the Minister of Labour as part of federal pre-budget consultations in St. John’s on February 1st. Alexander urged the federal government to develop a long-term plan for debt reduction
NLEC Conference panel discussion on EI creates a stir
Annual ConferenceEmployment Insurance ReformFederal Government Policy November 22, 2011 |0
The panel discussion “Government’s Role – The impact of social programs on the labour market” held at this year’s NLEC Conference on November 16th in St. John’s, is continuing to make quite a stir in the local media. The panel, moderated by Blogger and Media Commentator Geoff Meeker, featured Association of Seafood Producers President Derek
2009 survey of NLEC membership on impact of EI system still creating buzz
Employment Insurance ReformFederal Government Policy July 12, 2011 |0
In late 2009, Corporate Research Associates, an independent business research group based in Nova Scotia, conducted a survey of NLEC members to study the effects of Employment Insurance and Workers Compensation on the workplace. The NLEC recently revisited these results in media coverage surrounding our workshop “Navigating the EI System”, and the facts are continuing
NLEC asking for increased integrity in the EI system
Employment Insurance ReformFederal Government Policy June 16, 2011 |0
A recent workshop held by the NLEC addressing employer challenges with the Employment Insurance (EI) system is creating some buzz. Employers in Newfoundland & Labrador express major concerns with the EI system. In a survey of NLEC members, conducted by Corporate Research Associates in 2009, 32% of employers stated the current EI rules make it more
NLEC makes cover of Telegram on Tax on Labour
Competitive TaxationEmployment Insurance ReformFederal Government PolicyReducing the “Payroll Tax”Reducing Worker’s Compensation Insurance Premiums January 28, 2011 |0
Employers’ Council says EI and CPP hikes are disincentives to hiring people. Read the full article here.