NLEC asks government to reduce spending and restructure pensions at pre-budget consultations
The NLEC has been an advocate for employers during the 2013 pre budget consultations. Executive Director, Richard Alexander stressed the urgency to reduce government spending and restructure the public sector pension plans. Sustainable spending now is extremely important to the future economic success of our province. The NLEC is concerned that without prudent financial management,  [...]
Dynamic Air Shelters & Marine Atlantic named Employers of Distinction for 2013
Dynamic Air Shelters and Marine Atlantic were named the 2013 NLEC Employers of Distinction on Friday, February 14th. Kay Riggs, Vice-President accepted on behalf of Dynamic Air Shelters, who won the award in the small employer category. Paul Griffen, President & CEO accepted on behalf of Marine Atlantic. The Employer of Distinction Awards honour top  [...]
NLEC supports Jan 6th EI changes designed to remove disincentives to work and connect people to jobs
Employers who feel they are competing with the EI system for labour should begin to experience some relief as reforms to the Employment Insurance (EI) system announced last spring took effect Sunday. As of Jan. 6, people drawing EI benefits will be expected to put together career resumes, sign up at job banks, go to  [...]
Seeking protection for employers from drastic minimum wage increases The  Labour Relations Agency released the advisory committee’s review on minimum wage yesterday. The three-member advisory committee was appointed this summer and solicited public and stakeholder submissions on the minimum wage. The report outlined two recommendations for the Provincial Government to consider: That the minimum wage  [...]
Economist Morley Gunderson says NLs worker’s compensation system must be reformed
The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC) released findings of a study by economist Morley Gunderson, Ph.D. on the economic impact of high Worker’s Compensation employer insurance premiums on Newfoundland & Labrador Thursday morning. Newfoundland & Labrador has had the highest worker’s compensation employer insurance premiums of any province in the country for nearly two decades. The study  [...]
NLEC asks government for more protection for employers from drastic increases to minimum wage
This government has raised the minimum wage in this province 67 per cent since 2005, a move that significantly increased payroll costs for employers. The NLEC is asking government for increased protection at law for employers from minimum wage increases of such magnitude and in such short time frames. The NLEC submission to the minimum wage review committee  [...]
Recent amendments to the Labour Relations Act in Newfoundland & Labrador provide for automatic certification of a union if the application for certification contains evidence that at least 65% of the workers have signed union membership cards. Prior to this amendment, all certification applications were subject to a mandatory secret ballot vote. Removing the secret  [...]
NLEC asks government to repeal provision removing secret ballot votes for union certification
The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC) has asked the provincial government to repeal the proclamation of the provision to remove secret ballot votes for union certification from the Labour Relations Act. This change in our province’s labour legislation as proposed in Bill 37, An Act to Amend the Labour Relations Act, introduced in the House of  [...]
NLEC pleased with what is not included in labour legislation amendments, disappointed with what is
The Provincial Government introduced amendments to the Labour Relations Actand the Public Service Collective Bargaining Act in the House of Assembly yesterday, resulting from the Voisey’s Bay Industrial Inquiry, the James Oakley Report on the Special Project Order (SPO) provisions, and the recently completed review of the Labour Relations Act conducted by the Employment Relations  [...]
NLEC supports Employment Insurance reform
Human Resource Minister Diane Finley outlined details of changes to the Employment Insurance (EI) system in a press conference yesterday. The NLEC has led a strong lobby for changes to the EI system over the last few years, and is pleased to see government taking steps in the right direction with these reforms. The changes, designed  [...]
NLEC consults with Federal Government on Labour Market issues
The NLEC was among a select group of industry leaders and stakeholders invited to present to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) on local labour market challenges at a roundtable discussion held in St. John’s Monday. The committee has recently  [...]
2012 Provincial Budget delivers two out of four NLEC requests
Fails to make tough decisions in two key areas The 2012 Provincial Budget, released Tuesday, delivered on two of the NLEC’s pre-budget requests by reducing government spending to sustainable levels and reviewing government departments for cost savings. The budget failed, however, to make two tough but necessary decisions for our province — how to address our massive  [...]
Federal Budget addresses NLEC requests regarding Employment Insurance and pensions
The 2012 Federal Budget, released yesterday, announced changes to the Employment Insurance (EI) program that address concerns of NLEC members. The Government committed to make EI a more efficient program, to remove disincentives to work and quickly connect people to jobs. Among other changes, Government will “introduce legislation to strengthen and clarify what is required  [...]
Richard Alexander debates Anti-replacement Worker Legislation on CBC’s Radio Noon and Here & Now
The issue of anti-replacement worker legislation has been making headlines again, with the recent use of replacement workers by Ocean Choice International (OCI). NLEC Executive Director, Richard Alexander has been in the news defending employers right to use replacement workers and the importance of maintaining this ability in our labour legislation. Anti-replacement worker legislation would  [...]
NLEC meets with Member of Parliament Kellie Leitch on Employment Insurance and Pension Reform
NLEC Executive Director, Richard Alexander met with Dr. Kellie Leitch, MP for Simcoe-Grey and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development and the Minister of Labour as part of federal pre-budget consultations in St. John’s on February 1st. Alexander urged the federal government to develop a long-term plan for debt reduction  [...]
WHSCC statutory review announced
NLEC calling for legislative change in the system to reduce Employer Insurance Premiums The Provincial Government has announced the start of the Workplace Health, Safety & Compensation Commission (WHSCC) statutory review. A committee representing key stakeholders has been appointed to oversee the statutory review process, including NLEC member Claude Horlick, and labour representative Dave Burry. Ralph  [...]
NLEC calling for amalgamation of OHS Branch and WHSCC due to inefficiencies revealed in AG’s report
The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC) is calling for the amalgamation of the Workplace, Health Safety & Compensation Commission (WHSCC) and the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Branch of Service NL in order to increase efficiency and decrease the cost of our Worker’s Compensation system. Currently, the legislated responsibility for Occupational Health and Safety education lies  [...]
NLEC asks for review of public sector pensions at pre-budget consultations
NLEC Executive Director Richard Alexander addressed Minister of Finance Tom Marshall Friday as part of government’s pre-budget consultations. Alexander urged government to develop an aggressive and proactive plan for debt reduction that should include evaluation and reform of the current public sector pension plan. In his opening presentation, Marshall told attendees that unfunded pension liabilities  [...]
NLEC Conference panel discussion on EI creates a stir
The panel discussion “Government’s Role – The impact of social programs on the labour market” held at this year’s NLEC Conference on November 16th in St. John’s, is continuing to make quite a stir in the local media. The panel, moderated by Blogger and Media Commentator Geoff Meeker, featured Association of Seafood Producers President Derek  [...]
Progressive Conservative platform promises to eliminate payroll tax
Finance Minister Tom Marshall attributes policy to Employers’ Council lobby effort In today’s release of their 2011 Policy Blue Book, the Progressive Conservative Party promised to work toward the elimination of the Health and Post Secondary Education Tax (HAPSET), commonly known as Payroll Tax. If elected, the PC’s promise to raise the exemption incrementally, reducing  [...]
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