Employers’ Council Shadow Budget calls for $1B in cost savings over 4 years
The NL Employers’ Council released a provincial Shadow Budget on April 13th, developed with research conducted by the Conference Board of Canada. The Conference Board examined spending in NL as compared to other provinces on a per capita or per GDP basis. They also measured the economic impact of tax increases and spending reductions to specific program  [...]
WHY WAIT IN LINE? report on Partnership continues to make headlines
Employer’s Council Executive Director Richard Alexander will speak to the Clarenville Area Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, March 22nd about how partnerships with the private sector can help government deal with the current fiscal storm, improve services to the public, and spur economic growth. The Employer’s Council was on the West Coast this week sharing  [...]
Federal Minister Judy Foote gives keynote at NLEC Employer of Distinction Awards
The NL Employers’ Council honoured Petroforma Laboratories and College of the North Atlantic at the 2015 Employer of Distinction Awards Luncheon & Reception Monday at the Sheraton Hotel in St. John’s. The Luncheon and Reception was attended by nearly 200 business and political leaders and featured a keynote speech by the honourable Judy M. Foote, Federal  [...]
Employers’ Council calls for government partnerships with private sector
The NL Employers’ Council held a press conference yesterday to release findings of a study into the need to increase partnerships with the private and not-for-profit sectors in the delivery of government services and infrastructure. The report, Why Wait in Line? Opportunities to improve government services and infrastructure in NL was written by Memorial University  [...]
NLEC asks Liberal government for strong leadership and fiscal discipline
Finance Minister Cathy Bennett and Premier Dwight Ball released the mid-year fiscal update yesterday, confirming a record breaking deficit of nearly $2 billion. The NL Employers’ Council (NLEC) is encouraging the new government to show strong leadership on this issue. The massive deficit and $12.4 billion in net debt that the province is facing are  [...]
Removal of Worker’s Compensation surcharge saves employers $20 million annually
The NLEC is extremely pleased with today’s announcement by the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission (WorkplaceNL) that the average worker’s compensation employer insurance premium in the province will drop by $0.25 to $2.20 per $100 of payroll for 2016. Since 2011, the NL Employers’ Council has conducted an aggressive and award winning advocacy campaign to  [...]